

A film by Alexandra Clod.
Editing / Titles by Matthew O'Toole.

"The Day The Sun Stands Still is a multimedia project, a performative ritual that had been documented on photo film and analog video, and also has a short part of a video scene taken with a drone.

This is a poetic reflection on the cyclicality of life, a continuation of my research on relations of personal and collective mythology. This piece unveils the performative ritual that replays ancient practice of honoring nature, and welcoming the dark time of the year. It is about inner transformation through personal identification with my native steppe nature which is hibernating in the wintertime and by thus regenerates itself.  

It was filmed on winter solstice, “the special day when the sun stands still”, which means significant death and rebirth of the Sun according to ancient mythology. Place, where it happens, is called Kamyana Mohyla (The Stone Tomb), and belongs to the oldest historical and cultural sites on the Earth. Over the thousands of years people were making their rituals and sacred ceremonies in this place, and so did I."

Alexandra Clod. 2022.

Screening at HIAP Suomenlinna Studio in Helsinki, Finland. 2023.